Love Story is an upcoming Telugu romantic drama film. The film directed by Sekhar Kammula. The movie actors are Naga Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi and the two of them shared the screen interestingly. Narayan Das K Narang and Puskar Ram Mohan Rao had produced this movie. Ch Pawan has composed the music. Sai Pallavi’s second movie in collaboration with the Director Sekhar Kammula’s after Fidaa.
First Look Poster
For all the Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi’s fans, the producers of Love Story have released the primary look banner of the romantic drama movie. After the movie went on the floor, fans have been really excited about the movie as Chaitanya and Pallavi will be sharing screen space for the absolute first time. As can be found in the banner, the chemistry between the two stars is gripping and spellbinding. As the two share an emotional moment, the banner shows what the story will bring to the table.
Movie Teaser
The teaser for Love Story, Sekhar Kammula’s exceptionally expected movie actors Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya, is out. The teaser reveals the lead characters’ names as Revanth and Monica, two aspirational youngsters who move to the city from their town in Telangana, looking for work. Based on the teaser, the movie seems to be an intense romance drama from Sekhar Kammula after Fidaa.
In the teaser, Naga Chaitanya in the role of Revanth is seen running a fitness center. He saw teaching a fitness class on a terrace, with his voice behind the scenes saying he has come from nothing, yet has an arrangement and will buckle down. Sai Pallavi appears as Monica, a young lady with plans of finding a software job in the city. She saw dancing in the rain and often a recurring theme in the Sekhar Kammula movies. which also indicates that her character might be passionate about dance in the movie.
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