Nani’s is an upcoming Telugu supernatural thriller movie Written by Janga Satyadev. Produced Venkat Boyanapalli and directed Rahul Sankrityan. The movie stars Sai Pallavi, Krithi Shetty, and Nani. Music composed by Mickey J. Meyer. here you can find the Shyam Singha Roy movie details. The name Shyam Singha Roy is the movie is titled and the title revealed the video hints the film. The production house shared the video on their social media and wrote.
Shyam Singha Roy first-look poster
Telugu star Nani’s 37th birthday, the makers of Shyam Singha Roy released the first look poster of the film stars Krithi Shetty and Sai Pallavi. In the first look poster, Nani is seen sporting a mustache while a woman hugs him from behind. According to reports. Sharing the poster, the official handle of Niharika Entertainment the movie took to the Twitter profile to share the movie first look poster featuring Nani scenes proudly in a vintage avatar while a woman is hugging him from behind.
Movie News
The first time Nani was collaborating with Rahul Sankrityan for a movie, From the looks of the poster. The film was scheduled to release in December last year but due to the covid-19, the film was delayed.
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— Nani (@NameisNani) February 24, 2021