Vinaya Vidheya Rama has lured more footfalls till now due to this NTR Katanakudu Box Office Collection has impacted. Every alternate day there is a huge difference in the figures on the Box Office Collection. Petta and Vinaya Vidheya Rama collection are competing with each other. Till now VVR has done good business the Box Office Collection. Let’s see Vinaya Vidheya Rama 6th Day Box Office Collection (16 Jan 2019).
Vinaya Vidheya Rama 6th Day Box Office Collection AP & TS
In AP & TS, Petta and VVR are playing alternate days in theatres. However, both the movies are doing good business on the Box Office Collection. As VVR has reached on its 6th Day, and Vinaya Vidheya Rama 6th Day Box Office collection in AP & TS is expected to be around 4 Cr.
Rangasthalam | Vinaya Vidheya Rama |
3 Cr | 4 Cr |
Vinaya Vidheya Rama 5th Day Box Office Collection Worldwide
As VVR is getting a good response from India, we do not see much from overseas Market. However, it may affect the Box Office Collection of VVR, but still, the movie is doing good on the Office Collection in India. We got an unexceptional growth in the foreign market on 5th Day and on 6th Day VVR Box Office collection is expected to be around 30 Cr.
Rangasthalam | Vinaya Vidheya Rama |
14 Cr | 5 Cr |
Public Review
Watch Vinaya Vidheya Rama public review.